To rake, or not to rake…

It’s an age old question.

Raking your lawn in the spring or the fall is not recommended.mulch_mower_2

Rather than raking, we suggest you mulch the leaves that have blanketed your yard. This can be done very easily by using mulching blades on your mower every week during the fall season.

Mulching will add nutrients back into the soil; leaving a mulched layer of leaves on the lawn it will not hurt your lawn. On the other hand, when your lawn is wet in the fall or the spring, you can actually do more damage to the grass and grass roots by pulling the roots up and exposing them to the cold weather during the raking process.

Don’t forget to add mulched leaves to your plant and flower beds. This adds much- needed microorganisms and nutrients to the soil for your plants to feed on as well.

Fall is also the best time to care for your lawn by fertilizing and/or sowing grass seed. With cooler temperatures and a moister ground, the grass has a chance to build stamina before a chilly winter. Supporting root growth in fall leads to a healthier, greener lawn in spring.

If you have any questions, give us a call!